1. Complex Multiverse: "Rick and Morty" explores a complex multiverse with infinite dimensions, each offering unique adventures and bizarre characters.

2. Existence of Interdimensional Cable: The show features episodes with interdimensional cable, where viewers can watch random and often hilarious shows from other dimensions.

3. Existence of Mr. Meeseeks: Mr. Meeseeks, a blue creature, is summoned to help with tasks but becomes increasingly unhinged if the task isn't completed promptly.

4. Intelligent, Alcoholic Scientist: Rick, the main character, is an incredibly intelligent scientist with a penchant for heavy drinking, making for a complex and unpredictable protagonist.

5. Existence of Plumbuses: The show introduces viewers to everyday items like the Plumbus, whose purpose and creation process remain delightfully mysterious.

6. Dimension-Hopping Spaceship: Rick's spaceship, the "Portal Gun," allows him and Morty to travel to different dimensions, leading to endless possibilities for adventures.

7. Unique Supporting Cast: The show boasts a wide array of unique supporting characters, from eccentric aliens to quirky family members, each contributing to its rich tapestry.

8. Satirical Social Commentary: "Rick and Morty" often serves as a platform for satirical social commentary, addressing real-world issues through its absurd and surreal narratives.